
Join our Loyalty Program now

Join our exclusive Loyalty Program today and unlock a world of benefits tailored just for you. As a valued member, you’ll enjoy not only the warm embrace of our luxurious accommodations but also substantial discounts on every stay. It’s our way of saying thank you for choosing us.


Unleashing the Power of Our Loyalty Program

No Fee to Join:

Join effortlessly and enjoy exclusive benefits without any upfront costs

Maximize Your Stay

Elevate your experience with tiered benefits. Longer stays mean bigger discounts.

Get Discounts

Unlock substantial discounts at Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels, maximizing your savings with each stay.

Membership Tiers & Exclusive Benefits:

Bronze Level

Sign up for free and receive Discount: 5%

Silver Level

5+ Night stays and receive Discount: 10%

Gold Level

10+ Night stays and receive Discount:15%

Diamond Level

20+ Night stays and receive Discount:20%

Plan an Unforgettable Experience Today!

We can help you fit your stay and experience within your allotted budget.
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